Monday, November 16, 2009


This past weekend, CCCX held race #2 of the Fall DH series. With unseasonably warm temperatures, new course and large turnout, racers had their work cut out for them in order to compete at the highest level. Jumps, drops and berms were added in this week and the excitement levels were high. A familiar fire-road start led to a series of sandy berms which dump you out at high speed to a short, sprint uphill. From there riders were shot straight down the hill on a fast single-track where they faced sandy rutted out sections, jumps and drops, all leading to a fantastic pedal finish. We all look forward to seeing this exact course used again for another race this series. A lot of hype circled around the new Podium Pedal, with everyone eagerly awaiting their arrival. Pre-ordering is now available and look for them to ship in a few weeks.

Riders braved the hot sun by hiking up to the start, seen in the background are Point One Racer's Jimmy Amaral and Tim Lukko.

Finish line and pit area.

Tim Lukko seen here, taking a quicker and faster line coming out of the sandy berms, just before the climb.

Jimmy Amaral had the same idea, however he accomplished it even faster with his time saving tuck. A couple of crashes in his race run ended him up at 5th for the day in Pro and 4th in chainless.

Ian Massey was an animal powering through the sprint sections, seen here he is launching himself off one of the jumps. Ian was one of the few riders on a smaller bike and still had a great 6th place finish.

Alex Amaral missed out on a photo again this race, however he was blazing fast for his second time in the pro class. Unfortunately a crash in his race run knocked him off the podium.

Hans Keisler went pro and chainless this week in an effort to gain as many points as he can. With a couple mistakes, he ended up off the back a bit. However still an impressive outing for racing two classes.

Patrick Tidd and his daughter, Ruby, made the trek down from Mt. Shasta. Pat had a convincing win in the expert 45-54 class, racing against quite a few ghost riders. Ruby did an awesome job and got 3rd in her class.

Check out a quick video towards the bottom of the to view full size and in HD.

Special thanks to Allen Stoddard and Alex Amaral for filming and Toren Stoudt for editing.

Photos by Digital Daredevil

Full results can be found here. Stay tuned for race #3 in a couple weeks.

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